How Topicals Work

There's lots of confusion and misinformation out there when it comes to how CBD, hemp, and cannabis salves actually work; so hopefully we can help clear that up: 

Endocannabinoid System (ECS): Whether you're using a topical or consuming by eating edibles or smoking, the endocannabinoid system is what drives the great variety of effects that the plant allows us to experience. The ECS is a biological system inside the body of humans and all animals that helps regulate many of our critical bodily functions. 

With that primer on the ECS let's move on to how topicals, including our Dr. B's Salve, work:

-Humans have a high concentration of cannabinoid receptors in their skin.

-Cannabinoids from the topical bind to these cannabinoid receptors and in turn activates the endocannabinoid system. 

-After binding to receptors in your epidermal and dermal skin layers these cannabinoids work to result in the alleviation of pain and inflammation, which is why they can be very effective for many users. 

Here are a few more important things to know about topicals:

-Topicals only work where applied and due to the method of application the cannabinoids can't be absorbed into the blood stream, meaning there are none of the effects associated with being "high". 

-Furthermore research shows that even products high in THC content can't be absorbed enough to register on drug tests, which means hemp products are extremely safe in that regard. 

-Research has been limited thus far, but with the passage of the 2018 Farm Bill which legalized hemp federally this is changing. Federal cannabis rescheduling is also on the horizon which will open up a new era in research. Despite this the research that has been done up to this point has been very promising, especially with hemp and cannabis topicals when it comes to temporary localized relief of pain and inflammation. 

-There is hope that topicals can be used as another weapon to combat the opioid epidemic that kills over 100 Americans every single day. They are worth trying to help with more severe pain relief before moving to painkillers for lots of people. Consult more with your doctor about this. 

-Some people with conditions like psoriasis and eczema have reported that topicals help. Once agin consult with your doctor, but it might be worth a shot for these conditions as well.